Global Partners
Exclusive Representative Contract
with Global Companies |
In 1923, PLUMETTAZ, set up a three employee workshop in Vevey,
In 1943, PLUMETTAZ was joined by his son Fernand and they founded a
named PLUMETTAZ & Cie. It was during this time that the
trade-mark ¡°PLUMETT¡± was adopted, which is still used for all of the
company¡¯s products.
With the advent of fiber optical cables for telecommunications, including
cable T.V. systems, the company developed a complete new line of equipment
for placing and installation of these sensitive cables. They now have an
exclusive world licence for the new "CABLEJET" system developed by the
Netherlands PTT. The new system "floats" continuous lengths of fiber optical
cables through installation tubing, using only compressed air, for distances
up to several miles or kilometers.
Currently PLUMETTAZ S.A., which is certified to ISO 9001 : 2000, employs
over 70 people in Bex, Switzerland.
The main equipment developed and produced are winches and cable feeders
for underground cable laying of both energy and telecommunication cables,
equipment designed for light overhead line construction, as well as jetting
equipment for the installation of fibre optic and conventional
telecommunication cables.
The products are sold and used in more than 60 countries throughout the
world, all under the "PLUMETT" trademark
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